D4Science Integrated Data Catalogue

Offers services for seamless access to and management of a wide spectrum of data including ecological and biological data, geospatial data, statistical data and semi-structured data from multiple data providers and information systems

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Additional Info
Field Value
DatasetFormat Various
DatasetReuseLicence Consult the licensing or citation terms for the dataset you wish to reference. Allows for filtering based on the type of the licence
DatasourceWebsite https://www.d4science.org/integrated-data-catalogue
DegreeOfDomainPertinence ****
EcoEvo Dataset Description Allows filtering of the results based on Organisations, Groups, Tags, Data Format, and Licence
Language English, eng
Links true
MetadataReuseLicence NA
Search interface webpage https://services.d4science.org/catalogue
Subject Animal ecology, Aquatic ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Conservation biology, Climate studies, Macroecology, Urban ecology, Disease ecology, Plant ecology, Food webs, Population genetics, Ecosystem functions, Spatial and landscape ecology, Community ecology, Biodiversity
system:type VRE
Management Info
Field Value
Author Culina Antica
Maintainer Culina Antica
Version 1
Last Updated 9 December 2020, 14:36 (CET)
Created 28 April 2017, 13:20 (CEST)