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Item URL
http://b2find.eudat.eu/ |
Additional Info
Field | Value |
DatasetFormat | Various |
DatasetReuseLicence | Consult the licensing or citation terms for the dataset you wish to reference. Clearly desplays the 'rights' infromation for each dataset |
DatasourceWebsite | https://eudat.eu/services/b2find |
DegreeOfDomainPertinence | *** |
EcoEvo Dataset Description | Allows for basic and advanced search (different possible fecets), and filtering options. More @ https://eudat.eu/services/userdoc/b2find-usage#UserDocumentation-B2FIND-About |
Language | English, eng |
Links | true |
MetadataFormat | B2FIND metadata schema https://eudat.eu/services/userdoc/b2find-integration#UserDocumentation-B2FIND-Metadatamapping |
MetadataReuseLicence | The user may view, print, copy or store the content of the EUDAT Website on the hard drive of his/her personal computer or on any other physical media provided that it is solely and exclusively for his/her personal and private use |
Organisation | EUDAT (https://eudat.eu/) |
Search interface webpage | http://b2find.eudat.eu/ |
Subject | Animal ecology, Microbial ecology, Aquatic ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Evolutionary ecology, Conservation biology, Behavioral ecology, Climate studies, Macroecology, Urban ecology, Social evolution, Disease ecology, Plant ecology, Food webs, Evolutionary adaptation, Population genetics, Ecosystem functions, Spatial and landscape ecology, Community ecology, Phylogenetics, Evolutionary genetics, Evolutionary ecology, Biodiversity |
system:type | AggregatorOfDataRepositories |
Management Info
Field | Value |
Author | Culina Antica |
Maintainer | Culina Antica |
Version | 1 |
Last Updated | 10 December 2020, 11:29 (CET) |
Created | 24 April 2017, 16:14 (CEST) |